My Week in Workouts Vol. VII

Note to self: Returning to the gym after six weeks off is absolutely going to kick your butt!

So I toned down Thursday’s workout to just running, no Body Pump, and was pretty much forced to take an extra rest day yesterday due to all-over soreness. It’s been great to be back though, and I’m looking forward to another week of it! Here’s my week in workouts plan for this week:

M: Run 2 miles
TU: Run 2 miles OR Body Pump [Not sure which yet due to scheduling +, y’know, soreness]
W: Hot Flow
TH: Run 2 miles
F: Hot Flow
SA: Rest
SU: Run 2 miles

What does your week in workouts look like this week?

2 thoughts on “My Week in Workouts Vol. VII

  1. Packing and unpacking Monday-today; this has served as cardio and strength conditioning!
    Yoga on Friday
    Run on Saturday
    Rest on Sunday
    Monday unpack and organize, Goodwill donations, run
    Tuesday power yoga
    Wednesday yard work
    Thursday yoga once more with concentrated core

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